[Image from his latest article, available here.]
The 27th virtual roundtable on measuring corruption will be held on March 26th (Tuesday) from 18:00 to 19:30 AM (Japan Standard Time – JST). This time, the discussion will focus on the strengths, limitations, and alternatives to current measurement approaches.
A presentation will be given by Kamel Ayadi (Chandler Institute of Governance), followed by a combination of Q&A and open-floor discussion.
Kamel Ayadi is an Advisory Council Member at the Chandler Institute of Governance, member of the Board of Directors of the World Justice Project, and member of the Chandler Sessions on Integrity and Corruption at Oxford University, Blavatnik School of Government. He has served in ministerial level positions, including Minister of Governance and Anti-corruption in the Government of Tunisia, Minister to the Head of the State Chairman of the High-level Authority on Administrative and Financial Control, Secretary of State and founding Chairman of the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority in the early 2000s. He is also the founding Chairman of the Global Infrastructure Anti-corruption Centre in Tunisia.
If you would like to join, please email me at jpozsgai@hus.osaka-u.ac.jp with a quick line about your area of expertise (if needed).
As before, the meeting intends to bring together a small number of specialists to have an informal conversation about the measurement of corruption. This will be the twenty-seventh installment of a series of meetings planned for 2022-24.