The Japan Network of Anti-Corruption Researchers (JANAR) is the main platform and mailing list for Japan-based scholars and professionals interested in corruption and integrity research. It also welcomes professionals formerly based in Japan, as well as international experts familiar with this country.
JANAR was founded by Prof. Joseph Pozsgai-Alvarez (Osaka University) in November of 2019, following the Seminar on “Corruption Studies for the 21st Century,” held at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University, on September 27, 2019. The Seminar aimed to “foster informal contact among specialists in corruption-related work, the exchange of opinions regarding research agendas, and explore the possibility of building a stable network of Japan-based experts in corruption studies.” Thus, in response to the positive feedback received, JANAR was officially launched on November 28, 2019.
Meant to provide a channel for all of its members to share academic and professional news (such as publications, projects, calls for collaboration, etc.) and other anti-corruption knowledge resources deemed helpful, JANAR invites the participation of the broader community of scientists and practitioners working on any of the following topics:
- Abuse of power
- Access to public information
- Anti-corruption compliance
- Bid rigging / Bidding cartels / Mispricing
- Bribery
- Clientelism / Patronage
- Conflict of interests
- Cronysm / Favouritism / Influence peddling / Nepotism
- Due diligence
- Electoral fraud / Vote buying
- Elite, state, or regulatory capture
- Embezzlement
- Ethics / Morality / Integrity
- Ethics management / Integrity training and awareness
- Facilitation payments / Grease money
- Forensic audit
- Gift giving
- Good governance
- Media censorship or harassment
- Money laundering / Tax havens / Asset recovery
- Obstruction of justice / impunity
- Organized crime
- Professional values
- Public accountability / Transparency / Open government / E-government
- Public procurement
- Whistleblowing