The 25th virtual roundtable on measuring corruption will be held on January 30th (Tuesday) from 18:00 to 19:30 (Japan Standard Time – JST). This time, the discussion will focus on measuring corruption through perceptions.
A presentation will be given by Gustavo Gouvêa Maciel (Universidade de Lisboa) and Dr. Luís de Sousa (Universidade de Lisboa), followed by a combination of Q&A and open-floor discussion.
Gustavo Gouvêa Maciel is a PhD candidate in Comparative Politics at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-ULisboa). He has published several peer-reviewed papers over the past few years in journals such as Social Indicators Research, Public Integrity, and others.
Dr. Luís de Sousa is Principal Researcher at ICS-ULisboa. He is Chair of IPSA/RC20 on Political Finance and Political Corruption. He is Local Research Correspondent on Corruption for the European Commission and acts as an international consultant on corruption control and political ethics regulation for various international governmental and non-governmental organizations. He was also the founder and former Chair of TI-Portugal.
If you would like to join, please email me at with a quick line about your area of expertise (if needed).
As before, the meeting intends to bring together a small number of specialists to have an informal conversation about the measurement of corruption. This will be the twenty-fifth installment of a series of meetings planned for 2022-24.