The 23rd virtual roundtable on measuring corruption will be held on November 16th (Thursday) from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM (Central European Time – CET). This time, the discussion will focus on assessing the methodological quality of corruption surveys.
A presentation will be given by Dr. Giulia Mugellini (Università della Svizzera Italiana), followed by a combination of Q&A and open-floor discussion.
Dr. Mugellini is a senior researcher at the Institute of Communication and Public Policy, and lecturer at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland). She is also a member of the Research Group on Public Integrity (GRIP) at the same University. Giulia Mugellini’s expertise mainly concerns the measurement of corruption through sample surveys, the improvement of existing methodologies to measure corruption in all its forms, and the impact assessment of anti-corruption policies. She is one of the authors of the UNODC-UNDP Manual on Corruption Surveys and she has contributed to the development of several corruption surveys on households and businesses at national and cross-national levels.
If you would like to join, please email me at with a quick line about your area of expertise (if needed).
As before, the meeting intends to bring together a small number of specialists to have an informal conversation about the measurement of corruption. This will be the twenty-third installment of a series of meetings planned for 2022-24.