The 11th virtual roundtable on measuring corruption will be held on November 29 (Tuesday) from 18:00 to 19:30 AM (Japan Standard Time – JST). This time, the discussion will focus on quantifying illicit financial flows.
An introductory presentation will be given by Dr. Miroslav Palansky (Charles University) followed by a combination of Q&A and open-floor discussion.
Dr. Palansky is a Data Scientist at the Tax Justice Network (producers of the biennial Financial Secrecy Index), a Research Fellow with the CORPTAX group at the Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University, Prague, and a Research Fellow of the EU Tax Observatory. His research relates to illicit financial flows, tax havens, financial secrecy, and corruption.
If you would like to join, please send me an email to As before, the meeting intends to bring together a small number of specialists to have an informal conversation about the measurement of corruption.
This will be the ninth installment of a series of meetings planned for 2022-2023.